art direction

Ian House/ Concept and Design

The Tip of the Iceberg

Please find below a representative portfolio of recent personal and commercial development, design and visual storytelling. Ian’s accompanying CV/Resume can be found here.

You can return with this link to Ian’s edited reels and storyboard examples.

Design and Pitch

One Sheet

These single page pitch posters showcase early development work designed to introduce a simple idea and gain traction for the larger project.

They include early stage character design and styling, whilst attempting to capture a bigger sense of the arcing narrative and the key themes that drive the story.

Loaves and Fishes

Second Life


Concept Art

and Production Design

This collection of images forms part of a portfolio of work from a recent development project. Ian took inspiration from his short film script to design and visualise a look and feel for the characters and location, paying strict attention to the effect of colour, across the project, to help incite mood, meaning and emotion.

“Migration” Concept and Development

Crockery Farm:

Concept, Design and Illustration

Ian wrote his first children’s book in 2012. Crockery Farm, is a story of discovery and adventure for an uninspired boy and his dog, who dive into the surprising enjoyment of a plate of local seasonal vegetables.

The printed book is designed as a concertina fold, which partitions a continuous artwork into novel page-turns that string togther the entire narrative. Design and realisation is a showcase of Ian’s versatility, storytelling and obsessive attention to detail.

Design and


These seasonal post cards are designed and printed for a local rowing club.

The initial octopus design was commissioned and created as a new identity for the group. The postcards have become a enjoyable annual ‘side hustle’ and a project worth sharing.

Seasonal Greeting Card 2023

Seasonal Greeting Card 2022

Seasonal Greeting Card 2021


Over the past decade, Ian has furthered his knowledge of the mechanics of visual storytelling by identifying how images can guide the senses to promote the audience experience through meaning and emotion. He has sought to practice and teach storycraft through the development of his own original work and holds a current and developing portfolio of screenwriting.

* script samples available on request

Script, story and development consultation.

3D layout and lighting. Design and production.

Please get in touch to discuss how I might help you achieve your next visual project.

